Saturday, January 23, 2010


So, my dear friend Kristyna asked me two intersting questions (you can click here to read her original post) yesterday.

Answer: the small details. As Kristyna said, the devil's in the details--but so is the big picture. The big picture is made up of small details, and without one you cannot have the other. Fact about myself: I have a photographic memory. Basically what this means to me is that I notice those small details and they stay in my brain for a really, really long time. I have found that I use these minute details as a frame of reference for big picture ideas. For example, honestly I can't remember much of my childhood, but when I recall these small details I've acquired over the years, it helps me remember my youth. Without those details, my past would be a blank slate.

Answer: no. I'm blessed. Many people say that luck and blessings are one in the same, but to me they aren't. Luck, in my eyes, sounds like something that any individual has control over. For example, "oh if I wear my lucky charm, my day will go better." Some people blame lack of rituals or luck-oriented traditions on things going wrong in their lives. However, a blessing or a blessed life means that things are beyond my control. There is a reason why they call it "giving" life or "giving" birth--life and all that it encompases is one giant gift. God gave me that gift because He loves me and sees that I have potential in the world. The roof over my head, the food on my table, and the other luxuries I have in my life were acquired by the blessing from God to be dedicated, hard-working and to have faith.