yawn again!
Originally uploaded by jaimuima
So, last night around 15 til 7, my cousin Mandy and Abby and Alex left, after Nana and I babysat them for a few hours. I wasn't feel great towards the end of the evening, so after they left I sat down on the couch and closed my eyes. My mom and Nana were cleaning up the kitchen, and I guess about 15 minutes later they went into the living room to check on me. I was sound asleep. Out like a lightbulb, and this lightbulb wasn't ever coming back on. Eventually, my mom dragged me to my bedroom but all she could manage was to take my glasses off. Needless to say, I slept in the clothes I wore that day and didn't move at all during the night, except once to pull the covers over me. I didn't wake up until my alarm went off...at 7:30am.
I slept a total of 12 and a half hours. Honestly, I was worried at first that I was getting too much sleep. However, I woke up feeling awesome! It was the sleep I needed to catch up on, and I've been up and at 'em all day today. I was just shocked that I slept that much...crazy!
Also, I've been having dreams that's fueling this desire to have a bunny rabbit. I've always thought they were adorable, but they've been on my mind a lot lately. Weird.
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